A business intelligence and execution platform enabling commerce content publishers to more effectively:
Analyze the performance of commerce content in a streamlined and efficient set of visual dashboards, including but not limited the following set of measures: articles, product links, Google search impressions, web traffic/views, clicks, conversions, order value / gross merchandise value, and affiliate commissions
Organize information and insights along multiple dimensions, including but not limited to: domain or property, author or byline, search term or intent, content category / topic, product category, affiliate link destination.
Analyze proprietary data in conjunction with our managed public datasets (e.g., addressable intent, search trends or forecasts) to inform and optimize various editorial and business processes.
Continuously-evolving feature set
Performance Trends
How has my commerce content performed recently? Has the overall change been driven by volume or yield?
Period Comparison
Compared to the immediately prior period, or same time last year, what’s changed?
Ratio Analysis
Are users engaging more but clicking less? Or clicking more but converting less?
Addressable Intent
How many people are searching for the offerings covered by my posts?
SEO Performance
What keywords are most important for this article? How much of our potential search traction are we actually getting?
Conversion Performance
How much traffic and affiliate revenue has this article driven recently? Which metrics are improving vs. degrading?
Content Similarity
How similar is this article to others that we have written? Which competitors have written / updated content similar to this?
Recommended Products
What products are very similar to (but distinct from) those already featured in this article? What’s special about them?
Traffic & Yield
Which pages do well on distribution by not yield, and vice versa? Which pages drive higher/lower CTR and EPC?
Page Health
How have my pages performed since their most recent update? What drove any recent declines in RPC or EPC?
Paid Media Performance
Which of my paid media campaigns are performing best? In which should I increase or decrease investment?
Refresh Priority
Which pages should be updated / refreshed next based to optimize for affiliate revenue? Which are most urgent?
Retailer Performance
How much performance did I drive for a particular retailer over a specific point in time?
Custom Page Tags
How are pages performing across my custom groups or beats?
Save & Share Reports
Easily save, share and schedule automated updates for key reports.
Learn More
Ready to Get Started?
Optimize page yield, grow traffic and drive your commerce content business forward. Get started today.
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